116. Ekajadashakteh vishishtakarmasamkshepau.
Translation: Awareness is special work of inert energy. Matter is a condensed form of inert energy. Hence, awareness and matter are the same basic inert energy.
Explanation: All the three above mentioned bodies are basically one and the same inert energy. The awareness is nothing but a special work of inert energy. The matter is condensed form of inert energy. Hence, in all the three bodies the basic material is inert energy only. Hence, there is no superiority of anybody over the other body.
117. Kaarpaasakavaasastrayavat.
Translation: The three bodies are like the three cotton clothes.
Explanation: The Atman, Jeeva and Gross body are made of the same basic inert energy only. These are like the innermost cotton banyan, inner cotton shirt and outer cotton coat existing one above the other. These three clothes are made of the same cotton. Similarly, the three bodies are made of the same inert energy.
118. Ataeva jivaatmaa tanvantarhitah.
Translation: Therefore, Jivaatman, the composite of causal and subtle bodies, is mentioned by the same word ‘tanu’.
Explanation: The word tanu means all the three bodies, which are causal, subtle and gross. Since, the distinction between living causal – subtle (Jivaatman) and non-living gross bodies disappears in the presence of God, the Jivaatman is not given separate status and is mentioned by the same word tanu itself, which not only means gross body but also Jivaatman. Therefore, in Gita, when it is said that God enters the human body (Tanu), it means not only the human gross body but also the Jivaatman existing in the gross body.
119. Purnashaasako bhinno na jivaatmavat.
Translation: Unlike the Jivaatman, God is totally different and complete controller.
Explanation: In the case of Jivaatman and gross body, both are forms of the same inert energy. In the case of God and the human body, which consists of Jivaatman and gross body together, God is totally different from the human body and Jivaatman. The human body and Jivaatman are parts of creation, where as God is creator. In the case of Jivaatman, his control over the gross body is limited, which also depends on the will of God. But in the case of God, the control of God over the entire creation is complete.
120. Avaantarabhedaatito jivaatmaa dehi gitah.
Translation: If the sub-division between Atman and Jiva is overlooked, jivaatman is treated as one entity as mentioned as Dehi in Gita.
Explanation: In Gita only two entities are mentioned. One is the gross body (Deha) and the other is the Jivaatman (dehi), who is the composite of jiva and atman. Atman is general awareness and jiva is specific awareness. If this sub-division is neglected, both Atman and Jiva stand as one entity only, who was referred as Dehi in Gita. In that case, there are only two bodies viz the external gross body (Deha) and the internal Jivaatman (Dehi).
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