85. Mulabhramaakaashaannaatitaah panditaa api.
Translation: Even the scholars can never cross the fundamental illusion created in the case of primordial energy, which is the space.
Explanation: Even the scholars and scientists cannot cross the original illusion created in the space or Mula Maya. Nobody can cross the spatial dimensions and imagine anything beyond the space. The space or primordial energy is realized as work but its worker being existing separately other than the space (or beyond the space) could not be imagined by any scientist or scholar. The worker of primordial energy (work), God, can never even be realized and experiencing Him is absolutely impossible. A scientist or scholar can cross Maya and Maha Maya through realization of the worker, though crossing Maya and Maha Maya cannot be experienced. You can cross Maya and Maha Maya in realization atleast, though not in experience. But you cannot cross Mula Maya in realization as well as in experience because the worker of Mula Maya (God) is not even realized. When something is not realized there is no point of experiencing that. Experience is a subsequent of realization.
86. Na jadashaktireva kriyaabhaavaapatteh.
Translation: We should not say that the work is simply the inert energy. If so, the new word, work, should not arise at all.
Explanation: We can say that work is a form of inert energy. But we should not say that there is no difference between inert energy and work. If there is no difference between inert energy and work, what is the necessity of generation of a new word, work? The work must be different from inert energy and therefore a new word, work, is created. If you say that there is no difference between inert energy and work, there should be no work at all except the inert energy.
87. Ekatve na padadvayam na cha pruthagbhaavah.
Translation: If both are one, there should be no two words and both should not have separate existence.
Explanation: If work and energy are only one entity, there is no need of the generation of two separate words like work and energy. If both are one and the same, as soon as energy is produced the corresponding work also must have been generated simultaneously. There should not be two subsequent stages of energy and work.
88. Samapramaanavyayajananaat vinopakaranam tayoh.
Translation: The consumption of energy and generation of work take place proportionately in equal quanta. The instrument is not involved in conversion since it is not consumed at all in generating the work.
Explanation: If both energy and work are different from each other, for the generation of every quantum of work there should not be corresponding disappearance of one quantum of energy in the body. For example, if one calorie of energy disappears, you have walked one mile. If you have walked two miles, two calories of energy disappear correspondingly. This means, only the energy is converted into work and not any other item like the instrument used in the work. By walking two miles the instrumental legs have not disappeared partially by two quanta like two calories. Hence, the instrument is not involved in the conversion in to work. Therefore, work is only another form of energy.
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