Sunday, March 23, 2008


176. Kvachidapi devadehaat bahih jadashaktileshasya chidabhaavaat.

Translation: Nowhere in creation is awareness seen even in a small part of independent inert energy, which is away from the energetic body.

Explanation: In no place in creation does inert energy is independently associated with awareness. You are referring to the inert energy present in the energetic body of the angel and not referring to the independent inert energy associated with awareness outside the energetic body of angels. Since you fail to show even a small part of the independent inert energy in creation associated with awareness, it is meaningless to try to establish the entire inert cosmic energy to be associated with awareness. Hence the energetic body of the angel must have some subtle nervous system of solid state to generate awareness in the angel, if you are not willing to introduce the unimaginable power of God by which the awareness can exist in angels even without the nervous system. In fact, the subtle nervous system made of very subtle matter exists in angels to generate awareness. As far as possible, the creation follows the rules of nature without the interference of the super power of God.

177. Ushmapaanaat chit naadimandalena tatra naannapraanau.

Translation: In the case of angels, the inert energy is directly grasped from cosmic energy, which generates awareness through the subtle nervous system and here there is no need of food and oxygen to generate inert energy.

Explanation: The energetic bodies of angels do not have a digestive and respiratory systems to carry on the oxidation of food to generate inert energy which is the working element in the nervous system-machine to generate the awareness. Since angels travel in the region of vacuum also above the region of air, the respiratory system is impossible. The electromagnetic radiation travels even in vacuum, without air and hence the energetic body of the angel travels in vacuum, without air. Since angels do not take any food, neither air nor food is available for the generation of inert energy. These angels said to be the drinkers of cosmic energy (ushmapayinah). This means that the energetic bodies take the inert energy directly from cosmic energy, which enters the subtle nervous system and generates awareness. Since the human body does not have the ability to take cosmic energy directly, the food and air are required for the generation of inert energy. Hence, the awareness in a human body disappears in the absence of food and air. In the case of angels, since the inert energy is directly taken, the awareness is continuous even without food and air. The angels are called as animishas, which mean that their eyelids are never closed. This means that they never sleep. Hence angels are said to be relatively eternal compared to human beings.

178. Pitaro dhumatanavah shruteh praanamayaadayah.

Translation: The souls escaping human gross bodies have gaseous bodies containing all the systems like respiratory system, as per the Veda.

Explanation: The state of angel is completely different from the jivatman escaping the gross body after death. The jivatman is surrounded by the gaseous body as mentioned in the Veda (Manomayah praanashariara…). This jivatman is associated with digestive and respiratory systems, which are also subtle. The subtle nervous system also exists as in the case of angels. This gaseous body is referred to as smoke or dhuma in the Gita. These souls travel to the hell and suffer without food along with the horrible torture. Of course, the souls going to a little higher and better Pitru Loka, in the same line, get the food from the moon. This state is intermediate between the lower human beings and the higher angels.

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