Friday, March 21, 2008


98. Naraavataarepi tadastitvaanubhavo vidyullataayaamiva naastikatvapratishedhamaatrah.

Translation: Even in the human incarnation, the existence of God is experienced, as in the case of electric wire, to negate atheism only.

Explanation: Even in the case of human incarnation, the existence of unimaginable God is experienced, but not any characteristic of the unimaginable God. The human being charged by God is treated as God by devotees, but on true analysis, neither the human being is God, nor God is the human being. The current is a stream of electrons and the metallic wire is a continuously bound chain of metallic crystals. When the metallic wire is charged by current, the metallic wire is treated as current, but this does not mean that the stream of electrons (current) is actually converted in to the chain of metallic crystals straightly. Hence, even in the human incarnation, God is not experienced, but only the existence of God in the human being is experienced. If the existence of God cannot also be experienced, there is a danger of conclusion of non-existence of God leading to atheism. Hence, God in human form gives proof for His existence only to condemn atheism. This should not be misunderstood as the direct experience of God or God’s characteristics.

99. Sushuptyaatmaa Brahma jadashaktih sharirarupaat.

Translation: The Atman, which is the basic inert energy of awareness in the deep sleep, becomes the cosmic inert energy or Brahman, since the continuity is not broken by the body, which is a form of inert energy itself.

Explanation: The word Atman is used in the basic form of awareness, which is the inert energy confined to the living body. In deep sleep this Atman becomes the same cosmic inert energy, which is called as Brahman. The inert body that separates this Atman from the entire cosmic energy is also a form of inert energy only, since matter is a form of inert energy. Like this, the Atman in the deep sleep merges with the entire ocean of cosmic energy in essence. In deep sleep the awareness disappears. This means that the special work of inert energy in the nervous system is stopped due to resting nervous system. Hence, in deep sleep, only inert energy remains in its original form.

100. AnantagunaakaashaBrahmano vidyante shrutaah srushtisthitilayahetumattvasushuptyaatmatvaadayah.

Translation: In the concept of space being called as Brahman, several merits exist like creator, maintainer and destroyer of the universe, becoming Atman in deep sleep etc., as heard in Veda.

Explanation: The cosmic inert energy is the space from which the entire creation is evolved. Matter, awareness, light, heat etc., along with their modifications constitute this universe and all this is evolved from the primordial energy, which is the space. In Veda it is said that space is generated from God and from space the entire creation is evolved. Hence, space is the first item of creation, which acts as the primary source for the whole creation. The modifications of the space are due to illusions only and thus the entire universe is an illusion form of the space only, which is the inert primordial energy. Hence, the universe is space only and we can say that the universe is maintained by space. When the illusions are removed, all the modifications in the universe disappear and this is the final dissolution of the universe into space. Therefore, the space can be called as Brahman, which is the creator, maintainer and destroyer of the universe. All these points are correlated with Brahman. It is said that the universe is created, maintained and destroyed by Brahman. It is also said that the entire world is Brahman only since the world is based on illusion. All these are merits of the primordial energy to be called as Brahman, the greatest in the universe. The concept that the soul or Atman in its basic form in deep sleep is Brahman is also correlated.

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