121. Mulaakaashadhyeya atmaa tadanyadhyeyo jivah.
Translation: Atman is awareness of the primordial energy or space. Awareness of other objects is Jiva.
Explanation: Atman is called as general awareness. In such case, the object of awareness is nothing and it is blank vacuum or space. But the space is also subtle most inert energy since science says that space bends around the boundary of any item. Hence, in general awareness, the object is space or primordial energy or Mula Maya. There is nothing like nothing. Nothing means the space only. Thus we can say that Atman is aware of its basic essential form viz Mula Maya. When awareness fixes objects other than space, the same awareness is called as Jiva.
122. Mulaprakrutiraatmaa svajnaanaavasheshe.
Translation: Self awareness means Atman and here the self is the primordial energy itself.
Explanation: Atman is said to be the self awareness. Here the word self means the basic essential form of Atman, which is the all pervading inert energy in the form of space called as primordial energy. Hence, awareness of space itself is self awareness. There is no contradiction between self awareness and awareness of space because self means space, which is the primordial energy.
123. Srustisthitilayaah tata aatmani yujyante shruterapi.
Translation: Therefore Atman is the creator, maintainer and destroyer of the universe even as per Veda.
Explanation: Since Atman is the space or primordial energy, we can say that atman creates, maintains and dissolves the world. It is clearly understood that the entire universe is created, maintained and dissolved by primordial energy. Even Veda says that the entire world is generated from space (Aakaashaat vaayuh…). Since space is primordial energy and primordial energy is self, we can replace the space by the self or atman.
124. Na svayamasamkalpaat jivastu pashchaat.
Translation: But the primordial energy itself cannot plan being inert. The awareness was not there in the beginning, which resulted in the end only in the chain of creation.
Explanation: As per Veda, God created space in the beginning. From space gradually the other elements came and finally from the earth plants and from plants the awareness (purusha) is produced. Hence, you cannot bring awareness to the space before it was generated. Therefore, for this single defect of absence of planning, space cannot be treated as God.
125. Ghanapruthivipurvam ghananaadyabhaavaat na chit.
Translation: Due to absence of solid state earth in the beginning of creation, the solid nervous system could not have existed which generated awareness.
Explanation: The awareness cannot exist in the beginning, since solid matter was not created. For the awareness to be generated, a designed material called as nervous system is needed. Since, solid state of matter is generated from earth only, the existence of nervous system in the beginning of creation is impossible. Without nervous system, awareness cannot be generated. Therefore, you cannot justify the planning of creation in the beginning of creation itself. If there was no plan, such regular systematic creation could not have existed.
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