64. Jaanaati nandati kriye kartaatvaatmaa jadashaktiratati.
Translation: The verbs are ‘knowing’ and ‘happy’. The actual noun or entity doing the work is Aatman, which is inert energy that pervades).
Explanation: You are knowing. You are happy. These two verbs give the verbal nouns, which are chit (Jnanam) and bliss (Ananda). The actual noun that does these works is human body, which is inert energy in the form of inert matter. This inert energy is called as soul or Aatman that pervades all over the body. Since awareness is also a special work of inert energy only, the inert energy pervades all the systems of the body including nervous system. All the other systems of the body are pervaded by the inert energy itself directly.
65. Jnaanakriyaavaachakakartaa jada eva kriyaashrayatvaat.
Translation: Knowledge is verbal noun. The entity or actual noun doing the work of knowing can be inert only, since the work of knowing always requires a different worker, which can be inert only.
Explanation: The process of knowing or knowledge is only a work and itself can never be an entity. Work needs an entity as worker or working element, which must be other than the work of knowing. Then, the worker here can be inert only and not knowledge. Since, work is knowledge and worker cannot be also knowledge, worker must be inert. Work needs a different entity as working element or worker.
66. Sushuptisiddhanirgunajadashaktyaatmaa nityah.
Translation: The eternal Aatman or the inert energy that remains in the deep sleep is devoid of qualities, which are properties of awareness.
Explanation: The entity that does the work of knowing is the inert energy or Atman that remains in the deep sleep. It is eternal because the inert energy is never destroyed even in the final dissolution of the world. This Aatman is nirguna, meaning devoid of qualities. Here the word quality is restricted to the property of awareness only and not the property in general. In deep sleep, awareness disappears and hence all its qualities also disappear. This inert energy left over in deep sleep, which is devoid of qualities is called as nirguna Aatman. Remember that the word quality here is confined to the property of awareness only and not to any inert property.
67. Aatmaa Brahma srushtimulam mulaprakrutih sarvamidam.
Translation: This inert energy remaining in deep sleep called as Atman can be called as Brahman because this inert energy is the material cause of this creation. It is called as Mula prakruti. Since, matter is also its form only, the body is also inert energy and thus basically continuous homogeneity is achieved, as it is this entire creation.
Explanation: The inert energy limited to the body is called as Atman. Even the body or matter is basically inert energy and hence there is no discontinuity of the inert energy. Even the space is inert energy. In this way the homogeneous Brahman is the result. This greatest inert energy can be called as Brahman or Mula prakruti. Since, the body cannot limit the inert energy in basic sense, Atman is simultaneously Brahman. This entire creation is generated from this Mula prakruti, which is called as Brahman (Kaarya Brahman…).
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