Sunday, March 23, 2008


143. Sarvavyaapakaatmavaadaavatitya gamyamanuhyam Vedena.

Translation: We have to cross both the arguments of God being every where and God being awareness. With the help of scripture, we have to reach the goal, which is unimaginable God.

Explanation: We are denying the two arguments viz., the argument of awareness being God and the argument of the all pervading God. We are establishing the argument of unimaginable nature of God. The above two arguments are like deep pits existing side by side and we have to travel in the narrow path existing between these two pits to reach the goal of unimaginable nature of God. Since awareness is the specific work of inert energy in the functioning nervous system and the concept of all pervading God does not require the need of any spiritual effort as every one is God, the above two pits are to be avoided. These two arguments can be denied by the scripture also. Veda says that God is the controller of souls (Atmesvaram…) and this denies that God is soul or awareness. Veda also says that nothing and none in this creation is God (Neti Neti…) and this denies that God is every where in this world. There are several Vedic statements speaking that God is unimaginable and even Gita says that no body knows God. Like this, we have to escape the danger of falling in the above two pits and reach the true goal of the unimaginable nature of God.

144. Sanmaargadarshanadrudhanishchayakaram jnaanam.

Translation: Knowledge shows the true path and creates strong determination.

Explanation: Knowledge is the most important power in spiritual path as per Shankara. Out of several paths, you have to discuss with sharp analysis to find out the correct path to reach the goal. When all the doubts are cleared, determination to implement effort in practice results. Deep analysis of knowledge alone can clarify all the doubts. Hence, these two are the important effects of spiritual knowledge and therefore lot of importance must be given to deep analysis of spiritual knowledge.

145. Shankaramatrutyago devaarthe na paarthasya.

Translation: In interpreting the correct version of God, the sacrifice of mother by Shankara was correct, whereas Arjuna was not correct.

Explanation: Shankara wanted to go out for serving the divine mission of the Lord by propagating the true spiritual knowledge to convert the atheists existing in that time into theists. He was the only son and she became very old. No relative helps her since she was boycotted by village. In such situation, it is the bound duty of the son to serve her, since Veda says that mother is God (Maatrudevobhava…). But Shankara took the interpretation of this Vedic statement to mean that God is the mother. In Pravrutti, the first interpretation is correct since the mother stands first among all the souls. But in Nivrutti the second interpretation becomes correct because one is having several mothers in several births. Such relationship is the bond between souls and it varies from birth to birth. But the bond with the God is eternal in all the births and is the most important. Shankara was convinced about the second interpretation with the help of deep analysis of knowledge. No body could change His determination since He was complete in the knowledge from all sides. If the knowledge is partial, one will not leave the mother especially in such situation. Arjuna was not having the complete knowledge and hence hesitated to fight with his grandfather even though the Lord Krishna decided the war. Thus, if the knowledge is partial, one will either take a wrong decision or will be misled in to wrong decision by others. If the knowledge is complete, none of these two possibilities can happen.

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