Thursday, March 20, 2008


68. Paramaarthe tasya drusi saapi kriyaiva vyavahaare kartaa.

Translation: Even this Mula prakruti or inert energy is dynamic and is also work. But this absolute concept is in the view of God only. In the relative view of the souls, this inert energy or matter is entity that does work.

Explanation: Even this Mula prakruti is just work of God in the view of the God, which is the absolute reality. But in the view of souls, only relative reality becomes absolute and hence, for souls the same inert energy acts as an entity doing the work.

69. Vyavahaara eva chit kriyaa paramaarthaanupapattih.

Translation: The awareness is a verb in the relative reality or the view of the souls. Hence, there is no use of dragging down the view of absolute reality to save chit.

Explanation: There is no need of bringing the absolute reality in to the present discussion because chit is proved as a verbal noun or verb in the relative reality itself, where the inert energy is the noun or entity or doer. There is no use of converting the inert energy into work in the view of God, because there is no necessity for such effort. Already in the relative reality itself, chit is proved to be a verb or verbal noun and not actual noun.

70. Shaktinirodhakriyaabhramadravyam na anubhavaat kartuh.

Translation: If you say that even the matter is an illusion created by the work of resistance of force in atoms, it is negated, due to experience of entity.

Explanation: In atoms lot of space exists as per science. Infact, the solid matter consisting of packed atoms is only full of vacuum and hence the experience of solid state of matter should be the experience of the vacuum only. But the experience of solid state is quite different. When you put the finger, actually the finger should penetrate in to the solid state due to lot of vacuum existing in the closely packed atoms. But the finger does not penetrate into the solid state, which is quite opposite experience. The reason for the non-penetration of finger is not due to absence of vacuum in the atoms. The highly revolving subatomic particles in the atoms create resistance-force, which does not allow the finger to penetrate in to the vacuum. Due to this an illusion is created to the observer, so that the observer thinks that there is no vacuum at all in the solid state. Hence, the solid state of matter is the effect of the work of resistance only. Now, this concludes that even the matter is a form of work like the awareness. In such case the matter should not be an entity or working element like the awareness. All this is the argument of opposition to establish awareness also as an entity like matter or to establish matter also as work or non-entity like awareness.

The answer for this opposing argument is given like this: Even though the solid matter is the form of work of force or inert energy like the awareness, the result of the illusion created by such work is ending in experiencing the matter as an entity. Such experience of entity is not the result in the case of awareness even though awareness is also a form of work like solid matter. Hence, due to the difference between the experience of awareness and solid matter in the end, you cannot treat awareness as an entity like solid matter. Hence, the opposition is negated.

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