Sunday, March 23, 2008


169. Naanyonya parinaamah taddharmapradarshanaat tadeva.

Translation: There is no inter-conversion between God and the medium but the medium is treated as God due to the exhibition of the characteristic of God by the medium.

Explanation: When it is said that God has become the medium or that the medium has become God, it does not mean that there is a real conversion of one item into another. When the electric current flows in a wire, it does not mean that the current, which is a stream of electrons, is really converted into the solid wire, which is a stream of solid state crystals or the reverse. The wire can be treated as current and you can say that the current has become the wire or that the wire has become the current. This does not mean that there is a real transformation or conversion of the wire into current or the current into the wire. The wire in which the current flows gives a shock and from the experience of this shock, you are saying that the current exists in that wire. Here, the shock is the characteristic of the wire. When the wire exhibits the same characteristic of the current, i.e. shock, we say that the wire has become the current. Similarly, when the medium in which God is present exhibits the unimaginable nature, we can say that the medium has become God, because, the characteristic of God (unimaginable nature) is exhibited by the medium. However, you need not say that the characteristic of God is known, because, as already said above, the unimaginable nature is only the inseparable associated characteristic of God and not His inherent characteristic. However, the inseparable associated characteristic can be treated as the inherent characteristic for all practical purposes.

170. Atmaa gitah paraaprakrutih na tat labhyam sarvatra sambandhasyaanuhyatvaat.

Translation: The soul is said to be the best part of the creation by the Gita and hence the deep analysis of the soul or any item of creation cannot touch the unimaginable God since the link between unimaginable God and the imaginable creation is also unimaginable.

Explanation: God cannot be attained by the deep analysis of any item in creation including the self. The self is a part of the creation alone since it is called as Para Prakruti or the best item of the creation by the Gita. God can neither be obtained by going down deeply into the self or going down deeply into any item in creation since the self is also just an item of creation. Self may be most precious but still it is only an item or a part of creation. The reason for not touching God by going down in the creation is that the link between the unimaginable God and the imaginable creation is also unimaginable. As you cannot touch the unimaginable God, you cannot touch the unimaginable link between God and creation also.

171. Uhyaanuhyabandhopi naasti naadhaarah sprushtah.

Translation: The link between unimaginable and imaginable does not exist in the world and since it is unimaginable, the support of creation is not touched.

Explanation: The link between two imaginable items is imaginable as available in the creation. The link between two unimaginable items is unimaginable but such a link is meaningless since the two unimaginable items can be conveniently merged into one unimaginable item. The link between an unimaginable item and an imaginable item is also unimaginable because of the non-availability of such a link in creation. Therefore, self analysis or for that matter, the analysis of any other item of creation, cannot even touch God. Therefore, taking God as the support of the entire creation, you cannot make efforts to touch God by going down through any item of creation, applying deep analysis. There is no doubt that God is the basic support of the entire creation. But since there is no direct touch of God with the creation, due to the unimaginable link between God and creation, God cannot be touched by penetrating the unimaginable link. The ultimate item that can be touched by the deep analysis is only the primordial energy (cosmic energy). But since this primordial energy is inert, it cannot be treated as God.

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